The Sunk Cost Bias can impact even the best investors.

Sunk Cost Bias (Fallacy) is a real and damaging phenomenon that we are often unaware of. It is our tendency to continue investing in something, whether it’s money, effort, or time, even when the costs outweigh the benefits. This behavior is associated with “Commitment Bias,” where we stick to our past decisions despite evidence suggesting… Continue reading

DYOR is the most important investment rule of them all.

At the top of every investor’s list should be DYOR, short for “Do Your Own Research,” just like the scholar in the cover picture. Many say that avoiding losing money is the number one rule in investment, a quote often attributed to the legendary Warren Buffet. However, it isn’t exactly a rule because sometimes it… Continue reading

Sometimes to be successful you need to be in the right environment.

Investors and entrepreneurs, everywhere, sometimes to be successful, it’s all about being in the right environment. Just like farming, to reap an abundant harvest, the environment and conditions must all be right. We are taught to hustle, grind, and push through, but sometimes that is not the answer or the best path. It’s hard to… Continue reading