Investing is the best test to see what your temperament is made out of.

Investing can test even the best of us and reveal our true temperament. Most ideas may work well in theory or on paper. Rarely do they translate effectively into the real world. Humans are not well-equipped to stay the course when it comes to investing; often our biggest enemy is ourselves. I often notice this… Continue reading

Holding cash can be important to the right investor.

The debate on holding cash (Dry Powder) will always rage on. The reason is due to cash being a low-yield investment compared to other options such as bonds and stocks. I have very different views about holding cash that is largely shaped by my experiences and my overall financial objective. TABLE OF CONTENTS: A brief… Continue reading

To create wealth you need to stay the course.

To “Stay the Course” is more than just time in the market. When investors hear the phrase β€œstay the course”, it often centres around the idea that time in the market is better than timing the market. I agree with this. However, when I am discussing the idea of staying the course it is about… Continue reading

How to know your tolerance towards investment risk?

To form your Investment Philosophy, you need a general idea about what Investment Risk is and what your tolerance towards it is. Once investors understand the types of risks involved, they can shape their investment process and overall portfolio to suit their appetite. TABLE OF CONTENTS: What is Risk Vs Return? The definition of Investment… Continue reading

Understanding Investor DNA can help you make better money decisions.

Investing is not just about numbers, charts, and graphs. New research has revealed that genetics and personality traits also play a significant role in investing. (View Research Here). Our personality traits, experiences, and background can all impact our investing outcome. By understanding your “Investor DNA” it can help you to make better investment decisions that… Continue reading

How can Stoic investing contribute to better outcomes?

Investing can be complex, but Stoic Investing can help navigate it effectively. Stoicism is a philosophy that has been practised globally for thousands of years. At its core, it teaches us to focus on what we can control and accept what we cannot. This approach is particularly useful for investors, as it helps us to… Continue reading

How to become a more patient investor?

The results of returns are often heavily influenced by patience. A patient investor can navigate the complexities of the market while remaining disciplined and calm for long durations of time. Impatience is a characteristic that is lacking in the markets. I believe if investors cultivated the virtue of patience, they would be able to combat negative behaviours and achieve their long-term goals.

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The best way to beat the market is with a powerful investment discipline.

Investment Discipline is a crucial aspect of investing that occurs after an investor has laid out their Investment Philosophy. It involves several factors, such as the investing strategy, Risk Tolerance, asset mix, and a refined investing process. Once the plan is in place, all investors need to exercise Discipline to see their objectives achieved. Discipline… Continue reading

How to make better investing decisions with 2nd-order thinking?

What is 1st and 2nd-Order Thinking? 1st and 2nd-order thinking are thought processes that we go through when analysing situations in all aspects of life. 1st Order thinking is not inherently bad, but it is essential to try to think better and apply Second Order thinking when necessary. The Second Order thought process requires energy,… Continue reading

Here are the most popular Investor Biases to avoid.

What are behavioural biases? Investor biases can be categorized into two types, cognitive or emotional. These biases are irrational thoughts and feelings that affect our decision-making, whether subconsciously or consciously. An investor can have one or multiple biases that lead to misjudgments. Recognising our behaviours and biases is essential to becoming a better investor, but… Continue reading