Using a Margin of Safety can be one of the most practical ways to invest.

Margin of Safety is a term used to describe the difference between the current share price of a stock and its intrinsic value. In other words, it is the discount at which the stock is trading in comparison to its actual worth. The Margin of safety is not necessarily an equation but a guiding philosophy… Continue reading

What is the meaning of Intrinsic Value and why its one of the most important terms?

What is Intrinsic Value? Knowing whether you are paying a fair price for a stock can be challenging. This is where the concept of Intrinsic Value comes in. It is a measure of the true worth of an asset. This is independent of the Market Value which is determined by what investors are willing to… Continue reading

If you want better investment results you need to understand Stock Valuation.

Stock valuation is the process of determining the intrinsic value of a business. This involves analysing the financial statements and understanding the business model, assets, liabilities, revenue, and other key quantitative and qualitative metrics. By doing so, we can assess whether an asset represents a viable investment opportunity or not. The underlying factor of stock… Continue reading

The right investment process can lead to better investing decisions and make you more money.

The Investment Process is a systematic approach to investing, which can be useful for private investors who want to succeed. It’s not only reserved for professionals. You cannot rely on intuition alone in investing. You need a logical reason for why you invest in certain ideas and not others, based on reasoning and facts. This… Continue reading

One of the most powerful ways to invest is with an Investment Checklist.

The Investment Checklist is a valuable resource that private investors should consider adopting as an essential part of their Investment Process. A checklist is used at the bottom of the filter, after generating investment ideas, but before finalizing the Investment Thesis. Its purpose is to act as a pre-thesis due diligence process to quickly sift… Continue reading

What is an Investment Thesis and why is it one of the most helpful ways to invest?

An Investment Thesis is a written document that outlines why you are investing in a particular idea. It is grounded in your research and analysis and forms the cornerstone of the Investment Process. The Investment Thesis will help to explain with reasoning why you believe a certain investment is viable and how you came to that… Continue reading

Research the Value Chain to help uncover new investment ideas.

The Value Chain is a sequence of inputs that are utilised in creating a final product or service. It can also be observed from an industry value chain perspective that makes an entire sector functional. A value chain comprises several business activities and processes that a company must undertake to sell a finished good or… Continue reading

Why is the famous Scuttlebutt Method one of the most helpful ways to invest?

The Scuttlebutt Method of Investing can be a critical component of the Investment Process. The idea behind “Scuttlebutting” is to collect important pieces of information from a variety of resources. It is an unorthodox way of gathering intel that forms a Qualitative analysis approach to deep research. Moving beyond the conventional quantitative, financial and valuation… Continue reading

What are some of the best ways to assess management quality before investing in a company?

As a part of a rigorous investment process, it is important to assess management quality before buying shares in a company. There are many ways to research and analyse qualitatively how the management team stacks up. If you are entrusting your capital to a company, it is only fair to know who will lead that… Continue reading

Investors need to know why competitive advantage matters when on the hunt for the best.

⚠️ This is one of my longer blogs to help break down competitive advantage. Grab a coffee and buckle up. A competitive advantage, which is also known as an economic MOAT, is a distinguishing characteristic or feature of a business that enables it to generate profits above the average and prevent competitors from significantly affecting… Continue reading