Investment and financial markets frequently use the terms “Chasing Alpha” and “Market Beta”. Although they may seem like complicated financial concepts, all investors should understand how Alpha and Beta function in the investment world. Alpha and Beta are often used as measures to evaluate the performance and risk of an investment portfolio or an individual… Continue reading
Posts Tagged → Managing your Portfolio
What is the best way to measure inflation-adjusted return and why is it important?
The Inflation-Adjusted return explained. The Inflation Adjusted Return, also known as the Real Rate of Return, is the Return on Investment after accounting for inflation. Inflation refers to purchasing power of money decreasing due to a general increase in the prices of goods and services. The inflation-adjusted return is a precise measure of the true… Continue reading
What is the best way to calculate Portfolio Turnover?
The Portfolio Turnover ratio explained. The Portfolio Turnover Ratio is a vital metric in portfolio management that indicates the frequency at which securities are bought and sold over a given period. The turnover rate of assets in a portfolio can provide insights into the investor, fund, or strategy type. Although private investors may not be… Continue reading
What is the Enterprise Value and how to use it?
The Enterprise Value explained. The Enterprise Value is a metric used to determine the total value of a company if it were to be purchased entirely. It is different from market capitalisation, which considers only the common equity of all shares. The EV provides a more accurate representation of a company’s actual value in terms… Continue reading
What is the Rule 72 and how to use it?
The Rule of 72 explained. The rule 72 is a simple way to determine how long an investment (your capital) will take to double given an annual rate of return. It is a great way to see the effects on your capital with a yield that is known whether it be from dividends, fixed bank… Continue reading
A simple way to Calculate Portfolio Returns.
Calculate Portfolio Returns explained. This is a simple formula to calculate portfolio returns. I prefer to use it annually however you can use the formula monthly measuring performance depending how active you are. There is a multitude of portfolio, investment, and financial management software available. In my personal experience, I still after 15 years… Continue reading
What is the Compound Annual Growth Rate?
The Compound Annual Growth Rate explained. The Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) measures the average annual growth of an investment over a given period. CAGR is a helpful tool for investors because it measures investment growth (or decline) over time. This can be a useful way to measure against a benchmark if you have one…. Continue reading